Friday, June 28, 2013

Back in the USA

Sitting in the Chicago airport...finally feeling the full impact of the trip and especially the fate of the refugees in Mae Sot and Ban Naam Kaem.    I can't help but cry.  The purpose of this trip was to show God's love through Christ and in our actions.  We loved on these kids and their pastors too, we reminded them that Jesus loved them no mater what.  They reminded us that our work is never done.   I will never forget this teaching.  Thank you God.   

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Last day of visit......sigh.

I have mixed emotions today since it is our last day in Thailand.   We made great use of our time and visited the ancient city of Ayutthaya.  I have always wanted to see these beautiful stupas and chedis.   The highlight was Billy taking his first elephant ride.   His mom loves elephants and it was a fantastic way to view the city.   We finished the day with a family dinner consisting of Thai and American food.   I surprised the group with a birthday cake for John and Nidnoi who both celebrate birthdays next week.  
We are going to really miss everyone after being here for almost a month but Billy and I are both a little home sick and ready to love on our family at home. 

Wednesday June 26-Grand Palace and Royal Temple

We took a boat from the cousins' house to the Grand Palace.  It was a lot if walking but beautiful.  Anne used to play here as a little girl when her grandfather would visit the palace. I think it is a really special place.  
Later we were going to watch a movie but went on a long shopping trek to find a soccer jersey for Billy's friend.  Success too!  We ended the evening at Hard Rock and met Bob Jones, one of my fraternity brothers.  Great visit! 

Tuesday June 25-Back to Bangkok

Heading back to Bangkok with John and Billy.   We will spend our last days in Thailand with uncle Thee, aunt Mu, aunt Ben and cousins Nidnoi and Noina.  
Upon arrival we decided to visit Kaosen 
Road..,,tons of Farongs!  A bit crazy too! I think Billy got an eyeful.   Scorpions on sticks too!

Monday June 24. I love Khonkaen

After leaving Kalasin on Monday we went to uncle Sathit and aunt lot's house in Khonkaen.   Khonkaen is now where all of the Thai movie stars or "superstars" as they are called here live.  
I really live this town.  Anne's cousin Thun also lives here with his wife and 3 kids.   Thun and I had a great time 18 years ago in Bangkok and I am really happy we are spending time together. 
We visited quite a few temples here with their family and the King Cobra Farm too! 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Lots of kilometers, lots of water buffalo

We left Ubon this morning with uncle It and cousin John.  Before leaving we stopped and paid respects to Anne's grandparents' memorials at the temple and said good bye to aunt Som too. 
Over the next couple of days we will visit dinosaur fossils, numerous temples and cousins in the northeast part of Thailand. I am really hungry for some Lao good and this is the best place in the world to get it.  
Tonight we are staying in Kalisan.  We just visited a street market where there was a beauty pageant happening...pretty boys ( yes, boys) called Ka-Toeys in Thai.   Generally accepted here but still awkward for Farongs. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Family is love in any language

Billy and I are now spending some time with family in Thailand.   His great Uncle Thee and Uncle John have arranged for some great visits in Bangkok.  Yesterday we arrived in Ubon Rachatani where my wife, Anne, was born and raised. Here we are visiting Billy's great aunt Som, great uncle It and his wife Thik.  (It sings too) We also met John's girlfriend, Mook, she is great.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Post-tsunami Ban Naam Kaem

Today we spent the day loving on over 100 students at Ban Naam Kaem's CDC (Community Development Center) and Manna Kitchen.  Ban Naam Kaem was the site of Thailand's worst death toll during the tsunami of 2004.   Some of the students are orphans but all come from desperate circumstances as many are also refugees from Burma.  
Pastor Jason Goh and his wife Pailo are doing a great job here and have plans to continue expanding the operations to accept more children.  

Sunday, June 16, 2013


This afternoon we brought some care packages to several refugee families that send their children to the school.   The student population are all orphans or come from these refugee encampments.  
After seeing the kids in their school uniforms and now at home, it's obvious that our work here is one if the most important things I have done.  

Church service in Mae Sot

On our last day in Mae Sot we were able to participate in the Manna mission's church service.   Our band played a couple of songs on collaboration with our missionaries.   We also experienced a wedding of a local refugee marrying a
Karen tribesman.   It was precious.  

We were also treated to some home-cooking afterwards.  

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Saturday is field day in Mae Sot

No school today but we held a special assembly followed by a day of field sports and fun for the orphans and students  Billy was closing speaker this morning and moved us all to tears.  The kids have been waiting all year for this day and we all put are hearts into making sure it was fun and memorable (for us too).   After the sports, we all enjoyed the ice cream and later brought the orphans to the swimming pool for more games and fellowship. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Love on these precious souls

My heart breaks as I see all of these precious souls who don't have parents or a country to which they belong.  They are refuges from Burma and Thailand grants them refuge but they cannot leave Mae Sot.   They are however members of our Christian family and have a place with God.  I wish I could take them all to our home.   They are vulnerable to sex traffickers and are lucky to have the school and orphanage.   Please send prayers.  

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Dinner with Pastor Joseph

We had briefing and dinner with local pastor in Mae Sot.  Chinese food for our team.  The orphans are really excited to see us tomorrow.   

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Bangkok at last!

We finally made it to Bangkok.   We are staying the night at the Bangkok Christian Guest House before heading out to Mae Sot tomorrow.  The Guest House is a launching pad for many missionaries on their way into the rural areas of Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Burma.   

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sushi is best in Japan

Some members of the team enjoying freshest sushi while on layover at Narita airport.   

Sundown in 3 months!

Anchorage is beautiful but weird trying to sleep when the sun is still up.   We leave on another plane this morning and will have a 7 hour layover in Tokyo.   We lost a day but we are safe and happy.  God is  great.  

Monday, June 10, 2013

Rough start

One of our buses broke down on way to airport. We were then delayed to the point of barely making final boarding of our connection in Chicago.  I am writing this from Anchorage, Alaska where we had to make an emergency landing because of hydraulic leak.   I think we must be going to do something very important on this mission trip because someone is really testing us.   God bless. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

God is already moving others

Before leaving for Thailand, l hired a local landscaper to help me with some trees.   I owed him $500 and he asked me to do him a favor...he wanted me to keep $300 and give it to someone in need in Thailand.   God is already at work and we haven't even left yet.